Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Mother's Day

I wish everyone a happy mother's day, especially my wonderful mom!

Wow, my first mother's day! I had a pretty good day today (aside from my semi-crazy primary class this morning.) Adam came home and surprised me with beautiful pink roses! We were on time for church, and Arden was good most of the time. After sacrament meeting, all of the sisters 18+ years got Hershey's chocolate bars. Can't go wrong with chocolate!

After nursing Arden, I went to primary. That's when the "nightmare" began. Kid after kid kept coming in and sitting in my row. I had 11 kids, and I was going to have to watch Arden (Adam was teaching Elder's Quorum)!!!! Two of the kids (visitors) left early to see their grandparents, and one kid stayed in his mom's class. So that left me with 8. And Adam bravely kept an eye on Arden while he taught. Phew! The kids were good at first, got crazy in the middle, and then mellowed out for the last 10 minutes when Bro. McCollum came into the room. What a lifesaver!

After church, Adam made a lovely salad, fresh pineapple, and cheesy bbq chicken. I opened my mother's day gift, a shadehouse from REI. I've been wanting some kind of umbrella-type thing for the front yard, so I can sit out there with Arden and not be hammered by the sun. Cool stuff! Then Adam went to sleep, and it was just me and the baby girl. The little booger wouldn't give me a break. She was tired and finally took a nap (while I held her, of course.) Afterwards, we took a walk, I called my mom, and I fed Arden peaches. Adam was kind enough to give her a bath...hehe.

The sun is totally bleaching out her bib, but it says "Arden Olivia."

Adam got me these beautiful roses.

Arden thought they were beautiful, too.

We went on a little walk around the block, and I attempted to take some artsy photos of some flowers.

Arden just chilled in the stroller.
Oh, and Arden is starting to get the hang of this solid foods thing. Look how happy she is with her peachy face!

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