Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Video Variety
Some videos of Arden taken over the past week. Enjoy!
Took this video tonight after Arden's bath. As soon as she covers her face, she starts flaling around in anticipation for me to say "Where's the baby?"
She started doing this about a week ago...smackin' them lips!
She loves toes! I can always get at least a smile out of her when I wiggle my toes and sing, "Toes, toes....toes, toes....baby's got toes....mommy's got toes....daddy's got toes....toes, toes..."
She didn't pull herself up like this. I had to sit her up. She likes to peek at me through the crib railing, but she always gets a little frustrated that she can't do more.
Had to get some video of her with the big bow while sucking on her comb. Cute!!!
Cutest Winter Hat Ever!
Family Outing
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Arden was being her usual fussy self this afternoon, so we spent some time outside. I thought it would be too hot, but the shade on our back patio was perfect. I just grabbed our two beach chairs and did a little lounging. I'm sure dadoo appreciated it!
Chillin' in the beach chair

A little abstract
And I thought MY feet were small...
Hmm...what's in there?
Nylon Headbands...Finally!

Love the big bow!
Cute dress provided by my cousin Caroline!

Friday, June 26, 2009
Four Generations of Lewises
We didn't get to spend as much time with Adam's family as we would've liked, but we're really glad Arden got to meet her great grandma.
Four Generations
Grandma Lewis with her first Great Granddaughter
Another proud grandma...she loves putting her grandchildren to sleep.
Arden sporting Adam's old man cap
Arden and Jenna being silly on the way home from Golden Corral
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A Visit from Miranda and Jenna
Both girls fell asleep on the way home...how sweet.
We told Jenna to tickle Arden's toes.

Tuesday we went to the aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores. I carried Arden in the Snugli. The girls really loved looking at all the fish.
Check out this monster. He's a 150-year-old snapping turtle. He had his mouth wide open before I took this video. Wish I could've caught that!

That evening Arden got her first bath with a friend. The girls had a blast!

Cuddling with Miranda...how sweet!

We had such a good time together. I was really sad when they left. Hopefully it won't be too long before we see them again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Adam's First Father's Day
I hope you had a great Father's Day, babe! You're such a great daddy to Arden! I love you! I also want to give a shout out to my own dad. You're a great dad to me and a wonderful grandpa to Arden. Love you!
Another Greensboro Getaway
We went to Greensboro June 17 - 21. Adam signed up to be a chaperone on the Pioneer Trek for youth conference, because he wanted to do something with Jonathan before he went off to college. It was so hot! Adam's character died on the second day. He was supposed to still help out, but he and Jonathan called it quits. There just wasn't any relief from the hot sun.
I stayed with my dad, and my mom took the whole week off so we could spend time together.

Although Saturday claimed to be the hottest day of the week, it didn't feel that way. It was breezy and overcast. My dad set up the swimming pool I got for Jasmine last year, and we had fun splashing around. Arden liked her new turtle float. It'll be more fun in a bigger pool.
Some splishing and splashing
Catie arrived in town Saturday afternoon. We had dinner with my mom and took my dad to Coldstone Creamery for some Father's Day ice cream. It was just him, his kids, his son-in-law, and his grandchild. If I'd been thinking about it, I would've taken a picture.
I had a really great trip. It didn't feel at all rushed like other trips. Hopefully others will be just as great!