Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's Been a Long Time

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated my blog. We didn't have the internet until like 3 weeks after we moved to New Bern.

Arden is almost 8 weeks old and has changed so much. She's grown quite a bit, and it's hard to remember how small she was when she was born. Breastfeeding is going well now. I couldn't get her to latch at first, so I would have to pump and then feed her. All that changed when I discovered nipple shields. They're my new best friend! Now she feeds like a champ! I'm also starting to feel more comfortable with the whole mom/homemaker thing. I had a hard time the first couple of weeks while at my dad's house, but it's gotten easier since we've moved here. I'm able to eat more, which is good. I still don't get a shower everyday, but I'm getting close!

Arden no longer sleeps all the time. A week or so ago she started to acknowledge herself in the mirror of her swing. It's so cute to look at her staring up at herself! She's also started to smile some. This past Sunday morning was the best. I had just finished feeding her and was talking to her, and she just kept giving me these big grins. It was so wonderful I nearly cried! She doesn't smile a whole lot, but when she does it's magical! I've been trying to catch her smile on camera, and I finally succeeded today! The pic was taken with my phone, so it isn't the best...but at least I got it! Her smile is usually much bigger, too. I can't wait for her to smile and interact with me even more.

She's also begun sleeping more at night. I now let her wake me up instead of me having to wake her up. Sometimes she'll sleep up to 4-5 hours during the first part of the night, but that doesn't happen often enough. She doesn't seem to want to go to bed until after 11 p.m., either. Hopefully we can get her into more of a routine, and she'll go to bed sooner and sleep longer.

Well, that's it for now. I've posted a ton of things, so you'll have to keep scrolling to read about them and see all the new pics of Arden.



Moe said...

What a cutie! She reminds me of Jasmine as a baby!

Jessica said...

Nipple shields...they were my friends with Ammon! He left the hospital not eathing at all. After using them for about 8 weeks, I didn't have to use them anymore. I love the washing machine and dryer!