Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Pants

I'm finally trying to lose the baby weight. I was down a good amount soon after I had Arden but have since gained around 3-5 pounds. My goal is to get down to the weight I was when I first found out I was pregnant (roughly 10 pounds to go) and then lose an additional 10-12 pounds. I've lost 25 pounds before, and I'm sure I can do it again. It's just been difficult getting exercise with Arden around. I find myself sitting on the couch most of the day...either feeding her or holding her while she naps. I started back on the treadmill 3 weeks ago, so I'm finally getting some exercise. I'm pretty sure it isn't enough, though. I'm only down about a pound.

Luckily, a new church enrichment group was formed two weeks ago called "The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Pants." We've divided into two groups: The Diet Divas and The Healthy Hotties. I'm a Healthy Hottie. :o) We meet every Thursday for a weigh-in and a little lesson of some kind. We don't actually share our weight with others, we just record the loss or gain. Then, at the end of the month, we all bring a piece of fruit. The group with the biggest weight loss gets the fruit. Plus, each week we set some kind of goal for ourselves. The first week we were given a diet diary to record what we eat each day. I must admit I've only written in it about four times. Last week's goal was to make some kind of change, and if you don't follow it, reprimand yourself in some way. My change was to stop eating after 7 p.m. I've been doing well for the most part. However, I haven't reprimanded myself if I do eat after 7 p.m. I suppose I need to figure that one out.

This support group couldn't have been formed at a better time for me. I really need the support!


Moe said...

Good for you, Allison! I know you can do it, but man, there is nothing tougher than trying to get the weight off, huh? I've actually started keeping a food journal, too, mainly because I don't eat enough during the day and it really affects the way I feel, both physically and emotionally. Breakfast is the hardest because I never feel like eating first thing in the morning. But I am so with you on the eating after 7 thing. That's the only time I feel hungry! I have a very good diet, I just don't eat at the times I probably should be, and I definitely could use some more exercise. Rodney has been trying to get more in, too, and has seen some really great results already. He is even doing yoga with me!

When you get frustrated, keep in mind that even though your body burns a lot of calories through nursing, it also causes your body to hold onto fat to ensure that you will have adequate stores for the baby, so many nursing mothers find losing weight extra challenging. I know several women who struggled with the last ten pounds or so until their babies weaned, at which point the weight just disappeared.

Keep us posted on how things go--your new group sounds like it will be a great source of support to you!

Allison said...

Thanks for your comment, Moe! I really wasn't aware about the nursing info. It definitely makes me less discouraged.