Tuesday, April 21, 2009

6-Month Well Baby Checkup

Arden had her checkup yesterday. First came her height measurement: 25.5 inches (50th %.) Then came her noggin measurement: 16.5 inches. Now it was time for her weight. I really thought she was 13 pounds. Boy was I wrong! Only 11 pounds 14 ounces. She's completely fallen off the growth chart. At least she's doubled her birth weight. The doctor said she's perfectly healthy...just a little concerned about the weight.

I was able to entertain her for the most part, but she started getting cranky after the doctor came into the room. She fussed at him while he examined her. By the time the shots came around, she was a complete fuss face. The nurse gave her the oral vaccine first, which she choked on. She was so preoccupied with choking and crying that she didn't even notice the shots. She kept making this crazy noise...kind of like a dry heave...and kept sticking her tongue out. It worried me a bit, but it didn't last too long. Once I got her in her carseat and into the car, she fell asleep.

She actually ended up being in a pretty good mood. She was a little out of it but still content. The doctor said I need to feed her solids twice a day, so I gave rice cereal another shot yesterday. As you can see by the video, she still isn't quite sure what to do with it. Practice makes perfect!

I took her for a stroller ride later that day. It was very sunny, so I decked her out.

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