So the Kitty hasn't been acting like himself lately. A couple of weeks ago we discovered he's been peeing on my dad's bed. Not cool! My dad didn't freak out about it, though...he said to just close the door to the hallway whenever the Kitty was upstairs. Problem solved, right? WRONG! While I was upstairs sitting on the couch one evening, the Kitty decides to check out the fireplace. He's checked it out before, so I didn't think anything about it. But what does he do? He pops a squat right in front of me and pees in the fireplace. What?! Now we have to keep the Kitty downstairs all of the time. He hates it, of course. We've tried to let him up a few times, but everytime he ends up making his way toward the back of the house or to the fireplace. I don't know...maybe he thinks he needs a litter pan upstairs, too? All we know is he doesn't potty anywhere else except his litter pan while he's downstairs.
Anyone know a good Cat Whisperer?