Saturday, December 19, 2009

Mmm...Christmas Cookies...

Last Saturday, my dad and the fam came over to draw names for Christmas. Better late than never! Chris came over earlier to help me set up my mom's fake tree. She wasn't going to use it again this year. Before we set it up, Chris was reading the instructions and noticed a warning. It said the tree contained hazardous chemicals, including lead, that could lead to birth defects. What?! So, we didn't put that tree up and got a real tree...that's what I wanted, anyways! Anywho, Chris also helped me bake sugar cookies so we could decorate them when the rest of the fam came over. I burned the first batch...doh! The others turned out perfect, though, and we had so much fun decorating them.
I guess Arden got to sit on Santa's lap afterall....errr...yeah....

Arden and Jasmine played very nicely together.

Jasmine had fun decorating and eating her cookies.

Meredith decided to eat a few undecorated cookies and then left us the two she decorated...haha!

Cute little moose!

Arden had fun, too...once she got to sit on Grandpa's lap and be a part of the action.

A few of the uneaten products....:)

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