We moved to New Bern exactly one year ago today. It was Arden's due date, although she was almost 4 weeks old at the time. I must say it doesn't really feel like we've been here a year. I still feel like a newbie. I do have friends, but I don't hang out with them as much as I'd like. I'm still such an introvert. I'm pretty much always at home with Arden. Isn't it sad that we've never invited anyone over for dinner? Not just in New Bern...but since we've been married. I'm not sure what our deal is. We really need to step out of our comfort zone and be more social.
Our lease expires on Nov. 30th. For some reason our leasing agent doesn't feel the need to return our calls...don't know what her problem is. We were thinking of moving to a different place, like an apartment, to save a little money. Moving just isn't worth it, though. We're looking to renew our lease for another 6 months. Adam is hoping to find another grocery managment position a little closer to home within that time. We'll see what happens!
we're anti-social introverts too :) don't worry :)
Living in a house after living in an apartment (where utilities were included), is a HUGE financial shocker! I'm still not over it! And, yes, you are introverted! haha But having kids kind of makes us be that way ;)
We need to let the kids play sometime. You might be introverted but I'm just lazy (or tired - not sure which).
Off the subject,I LOVE you guys' pumpkin carvings! They're seriously awesome!
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