Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I was really trying to get this posted before the New Year, but oh well!
As you can see from the pics and videos below, we had lots of fun this Christmas! We were able to spend time with all of our family. Jason and Sabrina came back into town and left on Christmas Day. We also saw Amy and Mark's family on Keaton's birthday. Catie came home, too, but had to leave on Christmas night. We were so glad we could see everyone!
The Thursday before Christmas, we made goodies. I made triple chocolate fudge with toffee bits, peanut butter cracker sandwiches covered in white chocolate, and Adam made sugar cookies. Friday we delivered some of the homemade treats to people. Saturday was Keaton's 10th birthday. He went to see National Treasure, but Adam and I couldn't make it. We were able to hang out with him after the movie, though. Sunday night we drove around looking at Christmas lights. Monday was Christmas Eve, a.k.a. Becky's Christmas. We went to my mom's and had a lovely dinner. Becky opened her gifts from us, and we watched "Claymation Christmas" and "Elf." Afterwards, we headed over to the Lewises' and watched "A Christmas Story." Christmas Day was busy, as usual. We ended up staying at my dad's until 2 p.m....two hours later than anticipated. Jasmine played Santa's Little Helper. We then headed over to my mom's and watched "The Nativity Story." We didn't get to Adam's parents' until 6 p.m. No one was there except his parents. Jonathan left with Jason and Sabrina; and Amy, Mark and the kids left earlier, too. It was after 9:30 p.m. by the time we got back home. Catie was pulling out of the garage as we approached the house. I was very glad I hadn't missed her. I imagine it'll be awhile until I see her again.
Anywho, we had a very nice Christmas and hope you did, too! Enjoy the pics and videos!

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