Sunday, October 21, 2007

Stone Mountain

Adam had fall break last week, so I decided to take some time off of work. We made plans to go camping Friday night at Stone Mountain in Roaring Gap, NC. It's about two hours away. I'm not sure what the reasoning was, but we assumed there would be plenty of campsites available. Once we got there, we drove straight to the camping area. The first sign I saw said "No Vacancy." For some reason I didn't really believe it. So we pulled over by the camping office, and sure enough the lady said there weren't any campsites available that night. Now we had all this camping stuff in our car and no place to camp.

We decided to drive to the hiking area and take a little hike to the "stone" of Stone Mountain. As we drove to the area, we came upon a crazy amount of deer! There were deer everywhere! I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but I've never seen so many deer all at once. Anywho, we parked and "hiked" to the stone. I'm not much of a hiker, so any little hill is enough to do me in. I came out victorious, though.

We got the Homestead, and the views were beautiful. We also climbed some rocks, which I don't think we were supposed to do. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, we had to drive back home since there weren't any campsites left. We drove by Pilot Mountain just for kicks, but the gate had already closed for the night. Sagebrush in Kernersville ended up being our dinner destination, and Adam went ahead to work that night. Since I had Monday off of work, too, we decided to camp at Pilot Mountain on Sunday night.

Stay tuned to see all the fun we had there!

The Homestead

Stone Mountain...there she blows!

Adam and his crazy climbing antics

Me and my not-so-crazy climbing antics

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Crazy Amount of Deer!

Adam got this idea from an episode of South Park. Sorry Steve Irwin!

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