Our little Arden is 19 months old today and a big sister of twin boys! Considering the boys were born the day after she turned 18 months, I totally slacked in giving an 18-month update...so here it is!
Arden is 19 pounds (still off the chart but getting closer to the third percentile) and 29.75" long (5th percentile.) So she's still petite, but she's growing! The doctor says the rear-facing carseat is still safest, so that's what we'll keep her in until she gets too tall. She has 8 teeth...4 in the front and 4 in the back.
Arden loves spending time with all of her grandparents. Whenever she sees my mom, she says "Nana!" She always has fun at Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' house. She probably wears them out by going up and down the stairs, though. Grandpa Randy's house is fun, too...especially with Auntie Jasmine around! She also loves spending time with all her aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Her personality has definitely begun to shine through. She is a jabber mouth! I think that's hilarious since Adam and I are not big talkers. The phrase she loves to use is "Ahhh nahh!" and she says it very dramatically. I'm not really sure what it means, but my guess is "oh no..?" Since the boys have been born, her favorite word is "baby!" She calls all of her stuffed animals babies. I love to hear her talking to them in her crib. I always kiss her goodnight, and she's picked up on that. She says "Muh! Nigh-nigh...bye-bye!" She even kisses her stuffed animals on the mouth (which is funny, because we do not kiss her on the mouth!) She loves to dance. She shakes her hips from side-to-side. She loves Elmo and calls him "Melmo!" Actually, she calls every character on Sesame Street "Melmo"...too funny! Outdoors is her favorite place to be. If she had her way, she'd stay outside and walk around all day long. She loves nursery at church (thank goodness,) and has no problem going in even when other kids are screaming. She definitely throws fits and can be very loud at home, but it's hard to get mad at her when she shows you her toothy grin.
Here are some random pics in a random order. Enjoy!
Duhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh....Bat Girl!

Sitting very nicely in the NICU...that didn't last long! The lactation consultant let Arden play with this baby doll.

Arden really wanted on dadoo's lap with Baby Rogan. She was not happy when she didn't get her way.

Pointing at Baby Rogan

Pointing at Baby Grayson

Monkey See....Monkey Do!

My Sweet Pea

Hanging out with Grandpa Lewis

She loves her dadoo! Ever since my hospital stay, she's been calling him "mama!"

Arden really loves going to Grandpa Randy's and playing with her Auntie Jasmine. Jasmine isn't always too thrilled, though.

"He loves me....he loves me not....he loves me!"

She loves going over to the Allen's house and playing with their kids. Since the boys have been born, she calls all kids "baby."

She loves to feed herself and flirt at the dinner table. Batting her eyelashes is her specialty!

One time at Steak-n-Shake, she started dipping her fries in her applesauce. I have no clue where she got that from, but she now loves to dip!
She loves sticking out her tongue!
Little Miss Pebbles
My first and only attempt at pigtails...I will do them again!
Gorgeous Child
She loves riding on her zebra!
It's amazing to me how much she's turned into such a little girl...no longer a baby. I love my girl!