Monday, April 05, 2010

Happy Easter!

We celebrated Arden's second Easter this year. Adam didn't think it was reasonable to get her anything last year considering she was only 6 months old, so I decided I wouldn't let that happen this year. She was pretty happy when she saw her easter basket...the first thing she went for were the bunny ears. She is such a cutie pie!

Once Adam went to bed, I put Arden in her Easter dress in hopes of getting some cute pics. Let me tell you, it was difficult being the stager/poser and the photographer. As soon as I got here where I wanted her, she'd run away! Most of the pics I got are of her running away from me. Ah least I got a couple of cute pics out of the chaos.

Let me go ahead and give you an Arden update, considering it's been so long since I really posted anything. I took her in for another weight check last week. I was pleasantly surprised to find she had gained nearly 2 pounds in a month! She's now over 17.5 pounds. I guess that Pediasure really does work! If she hadn't gained anymore weight, the doctor would've wanted to take some of Arden's blood and run tests. I went through all that stuff as a child, and I really didn't want Arden to go through it, too. Luckily, all is well!

I can't believe my baby will be 18 months a week from today! That means we get to stick her in the nursery at church. We've already been taking her for half the time and sitting in with her during it. Last week, Adam put her in there and left. She's technically not old enough for that, but she did great. She went and played with the toys while the other kids screamed...ha! The only thing I'm worried about are the older kids (3-year-olds.) Arden is very interested in toys that other kids are playing with. Even if she just wants to watch, the kids will push her away. Sometimes she gets shoved down and cries. She's so little, and the kids just don't care. Mama is not happy about this! I guess it's just something I need to get used to. *Sigh*

Anywho, enjoy the Easter pics below!

Arden's Loot: bunny ears, stuffed bunny, bath squirt toys, fancy socks, hairbands, plastic eggs, and a really cute basket.

Eating breakfast with Dadoo!

Running away from me....

I really love this shot. She fell down and skinned her knees right after I took it...poor thing!

Running away from me...

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1 comment:

Brittany H. said...

That's such a cute dress!