We had a ton of fun Easter weekend! That Saturday I took Arden and Jasmine to an Easter egg hunt sponsored by a local church. We were thirty minutes late to the event, but we got there just minutes before the egg hunt began. Perfect timing! I didn't get any pictures during the actual hunt, because I was too busy helping Arden. She totally got the idea of picking up eggs and putting them in her basket. She scored a bunch! After the hunt, I dragged the kids back to the van to put their eggs away. Arden was crying, because she thought we were going home...even though I kept telling her we were just putting the eggs in the van. Poor thing! Then the real fun began!

Arden and Jasmine loved the bounce house! I think Arden was a little overwhelmed by all the kids inside, though. She had trouble climbing the ladder to get to the slide. She cried a few times...but as soon as she slid down the slide, she wanted to go back in for more!

There was a craft table set up. For some reason they were all Christmas crafts. Jasmine made a bead snowflake (which I still have in my diaper bag,) and I made a bracelet for Arden. Check out Arden's cute bow...I totally made it!

The girls got into some foam stickers from another craft. They are too silly!

Arden looked like a little doll on Easter Sunday.

I got a few pics in before we headed to church! The church choir was amazing. I don't think I've heard a choir sing more beautifully.

After church, we sent Arden on an Easter egg hunt! She was totally into it and really didn't need any help finding the eggs. This is so different from last year. I was hugely pregnant, and we lived in an apartment. I spread a few eggs out in hopes she'd pick them up and put them in the basket. She was easily distracted, though, and kept running away from me. Almost every picture I have is of her running away!

The loot! Except there actually isn't anything in the eggs.

The boys' first Easter! They chilled in the play yard while Arden search for eggs.

Ah, the real loot! (I won the doll and bows!)
Arden discovering her Easter goodies.
Happy Easter!