I had so many plans for this day.
This is what was supposed to happen:
1. Get the kids dressed up and head over to the 4th of July Parade with my brother
Chris...while Adam slept.
2. After naptime and after Adam woke up, head over to Adam's parents' house for a cookout.
3. Head home, put the boys to bed and have my mom stay at the house while Adam and I took Arden to see fireworks.
Pretty straight forward...it was going to be a perfect day!
This is what actually happened:
1. I woke up at 4 a.m. in extreme discomfort...which turned into extreme pain.
2. I call Adam at work and tell him I need to go to the hospital.
3. I call my mom and tell her she needs to come over and stay with the kids.
4. Adam arrives and takes me to the hospital.
5. Once in the ER, I'm diagnosed with a kidney stone. (Yipee!)
6. I go home and still want the kids to go to the parade, so Adam takes Arden and Chris and leaves the boys with me (they took a morning nap.)
7. I'm feeling ok and think I can still make it to the cookout. I start to feel some discomfort around noon and decide to take the prescription pain meds (percocet) just in case.
8. Percocet knocks me on my face and makes me wish for death...so I miss the cookout. Instead, I took a nap on the couch while everyone else went to the cookout (kind of nice, actually!)
9. Everyone gets home late, but at least the boys are bathed and can go straight to bed!
10. We miss the fireworks.
What's that saying about "The best laid plans...?" Oh well, maybe next year!
p.s. It took me two weeks to pass the monstrous stone. :/
Enjoy the pics!
These were taken on Sunday, the day before July 4th.
Grayson...so photogenic!
Rogan...couldn't get him to look at the camera!
Arden...my cute little girl!
I made my hair look all patriotic for church. :)

Arden at the 4th of July parade!
Grayson: "I like to eat dirt."
Arden: "Do I HAVE to take a picture with THEM?"
July 4th: Looking all cute for the festivities!
This hat was a lucky consignment find. It goes perfectly with her dress!
I hope your Independence Day turned out how you planned it!