Yes, it is! And it isn't mine!
Adam and I are proud to announce we are expecting our first bundle of joy! We are sooooo excited to become parents! Our little one is due November 8th, and I am 13 weeks along. We've known for a couple of months now but decided to keep it hush-hush until I was further along. We went to the doctor today and heard the heartbeat for the first time via doppler, so I figured it would be a good time to start spreading our joyous news!
This will be the first grandchild for my parents, and the fifth grandchild for Adam's parents.
We first told our families on Easter Sunday. Adam and I made a pop-up card for my mom (see the crazy thing below.) It took her a couple of seconds until she realized what the card said. She screamed her head off! She is so excited to become a grandma! My dad is also excited to be a grandpa (even though he currently has a 2-year old of his own.) Catie and Meredith are thrilled to become aunts, and Chris is equally looking forward to becoming an uncle. Adam's parents weren't very surprised. They supposedly saw it coming. They're very happy, too, of course.
Since spilling the beans, the most frequently asked question I get is "How are you feeling?" I feel pretty good most of the time. I had a rough time during weeks 5 and 6, and right now my gag reflex is something else...especially when I'm brushing my teeth! It's all worth it, though. :)

Is it tacky to post pregnancy tests? Oh well!