This past weekend Adam and I were able to drive up to Ohio to visit Miranda and Matt, and meet their beautiful little girl Jenna. It was great to get away for a little while...even if I did drive the ENTIRE way up there. It's all good! Jenna is the sweetest little baby. Adam and I got to hold her plenty of times. Granted all she does is sleep, cry, eat, and... you know... but that's what babies do.
This is what I decided to do for their gift. I was able to get a mold of her hand to make plaster replicate for Miranda and Matt. Poor little Jenna screamed her head off, because the stuff was so cold. It didn't turn out as perfectly as I wanted it to (which I didn't find out until I got back home), but it's still precious. I hope they enjoy it for years to come.
While we were there, we saw Shannon and Brandon, along with their little ones, Alexis (4 yrs) and Abigail (7 mos). You know how kids say the darndest things? Well, Allie sure did! She was upstairs in the apartment, supposedly watching "Cars," when she came sliding down the stairs on her bottom. Apparently she had fallen upstairs. When she got downstairs, she said "I hurt my feet wrist!" What is a feet wrist, you ask? Her ankle! We all cracked up and cried about it for a few minutes. It was so cute!
We also got to have breakfast with April, Tracy, and their little boy Gabriel (11 mos). He's really cute. He's walking all over the place and picking up things we didn't know where lying around. Unfortunately, they couldn't stay too long, because they were leaving for an Idaho trip that afternoon to pick up April's son Collin. He'll be home for the school year, which I know April is very happy about.
Sunday we hung out with Miranda's family and played Masterpiece (art auction game). We used to play that game all the time as kids. It was so much fun! Especially since we hadn't played it in years. I think this was the first time we used all the characters (six). Adam, Miranda, Matt, Hilary, Mike (Hilary's BF), and was great!
It was just so great to see them again. Enjoy the pics!
Gizmo has gotten so little! She's down to 7 pounds, and she's turning 16 this year!
Jenna with her Grandpa

Look at those precious little shoes!