Sunday, March 08, 2009

Downtown Stroll

Adam's parents came to visit this weekend. On Saturday, we drove downtown and took a nice walk. The weather was gorgeous. Adam and I have been downtown before, but the weather hasn't been warm enough to walk around. Plus, we didn't obtain a stroller until recently. I'm pretty sure Arden loves Jasmine's stroller as much as I do. She was content the whole time.

We parked in the Tryon Palace lot, but we didn't go there. We will, someday. We went in several stores, one of which being the Pepsi store. New Bern is the birthplace of Pepsi. Then we went into a farmer's market. There wasn't much produce, mostly just homemade items. I saw these adorable smocked dresses, but I wasn't about to spend $54 on a baby's dress. Adam would've had a fit! After that, we went into an antiques store. It was a pretty cool place. I think the coolest thing about it was the in-store cat named George. About this time Arden began to "come to life" and started to babble and coo. She's the cutest! Then we headed back to the car and on home. We had a lovely time!

On the walk back to the car, two geese threatened to attack us!

She laughed at Adam on the way home. It was nice both of us were able to sit in the back seat with her.

And then she passed out 5 minutes before we got home. She had a big day!

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Unknown said...

You do know mom does some pretty amazing smocking?

Allison said...

Yeah, she said she could do it. It would be awesome if she made Arden something!